
Friday, October 16, 2009

Say What, Angkor Wat?

Angkor Wat
The bangs of death that caused the Ankor Wat's demise. The "45" is the number of times the people pleaded before my feet prior to their fiery destruction.

I was screwing around with my old Compaq laptop today and was pleasantly surprised to find my pics from my Cambodia trip still intact!! I visited Thailand and Cambodia with my Aunt Nora and cousin Clarice in October 2006. It was one of those trips I consider most memorable. Thailand was obviously a more economically advanced country that time and had lots of sights and shopping places to offer. While Cambodia was and still is a struggling nation that's trying to get back on its feet after the genocide that occurred during Pol Pot's rule. Siem Reap is a town located in Northwest Cambodia. It is most famous for one thing -- it houses the Angkor Wat, the magnificent temples that reflect the colorful history of the Khmer civilization.

Angkor Wat

Its temples, bar none, are the most beautiful in the world. They just blew away all the temples I saw in Bangkok to smithereens. Not to mention that some schmuck stole my Jack Purcell sneakers in Ayuthaya.

Angkor Wat
The roots of a 200 year old tree clinging to a portion of the Angkor Wat ruins.

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat
A view from on top of a temple on a hill.

Angkor Wat

Which we got to riding this. Again, don't mind the bangs and overall chunky appearance haha

Angkor Wat

The fellow driving the elephant was such a wise guy. Notice the tip pocket on his back lol

Angkor Wat

This is that temple on the hill. Nice isn't it?

Angkor Wat

While waiting for sunset, this guy was playing music on a leaf! I guess Levi Celerio (RIP) isn't the only one who can do that!

Angkor Wat

View of the sunset. Somewhat cloudy though. :(

Angkor Wat

Pot belly for the win!!

Angkor Wat

And I conclude this post with a kiss. I love you Siem Reap!!


  1. Hi Andrew. I've always wanted to see Angkor Wat! Isang trip lang ba ang Thailand and Cambodia mo? If so, ilang oras kaya from Bangkok to Siem Reap? Share naman.. :)

  2. Hi Joni! Yeah they were both in one trip. There is a direct flight from Bangkok to Siem Reap. It takes about an hour and a half. :)

  3. Nice photos, nice story... BAD HAIR! LULS!

  4. Bangs FTW!!! And what's that bondat tummy? hihihi.

  5. @riajose: Oo na bad hair :(

    @Hannah: thanks!!

    @Aileen: bondat dahil sa weight gain program na phail hehe
