
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cure Natural Aqua Gel

Cure Natural Aqua Gel
Cure Natural Aqua Gel

At the risk of sounding like a beauty product endorser, I am endorsing the above product, Cure Natural Aqua Gel.  What does it do?  Read on:

Cure Natural Aqua Gel is a gentle and natural exfoliating gel that removes dead skin effectively without causing undue stress to the skin. Unlike chemical peels which use strong acid, Cure is very gentle on the skin and only removes the unwanted dead skin. It does not dry or thin your skin which causes your skin to be vulnerable to sunlight.

Note to self: I will not rave about Cure like a rabid fanboy.

I'd go far as to say that it is partly responsible for why I have good skin. I learned about it through my Plurk friend Sophie Uy, who was selling it at a Christmas bazaar last year. I purchased a bottle from her (P1,700) after hearing incessant praises from Jayvee and Fritz. Cure works by binding to your dead skin and sloughing it off by the gentle rubbing action of your hands. Right after my skin looks and feels fresh, smooth and firm. Ergo, I look cuter. They should rename it to Cute Natural Aqua Gel hehe. Use it only 3 times week tops.

As I blog this, Sophie is selling a new batch on her Multiply site, Beauty & Minerals.



  1. Gimme one as monthsary gift, pls? LOL

  2. Nakaka-GERD yung "I look cuter" part....hehe...

  3. @Mica: next year babe :D

    @Brendel: hehehe. take Nexium before you read my blog.

  4. Hi..

    I am using it and it suits to my skin.

    I feel like I just went to facial after using it.

    I only got it for free. They have free sample sachets in Watsons and the cashier gave me 12pcs which I had used it for 3 months.

  5. Cool, I want to try this one... :)

  6. lol! i did not expect this from you. i googled this to know more about the product and your blog topped the list. =)
