
Friday, September 25, 2009

Blood Workup Time

It's a family tradition to have our blood workups towards the end of each year. This year, we did it a bit earlier. My mom's been bugging me to do it since she and my brother had theirs done two weeks ago. Their results reflect the same old habits they can't seem to shake off. Poor dieting, little or no exercise and smoking are tantamount to above-normal levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and uric acid. My results, which I'm just seeing right now, aren't the best either, although all are within normal range. I *try* to watch my diet. There are hiccups along the way but I want to believe that my constant visits to the gym could make up for them. If you're curious about how I did, here's a screenie:

Blood Workup Results

My cholesterol and uric acid are kinda on the high side. Could it be because of the eclairs I had last night?


Note to self a year from now: Don't go to a buffet the night before a blood workup!!


  1. ECLAIIIIRS! Dami kang kinain na eclairs??? Masarap lahat sa pastry table!

  2. Masarap nga lahat, kaya palpak ang blood workup (doh)
